Selena Coombs:
Hello darlin', I hope you remember me? Your favorite teacher? Oh, you're surprised that Gail isn't the one to give you the latest news? Well it seems she's more interested in the past than in the present. Besides, you surely didn't think Lucas was able to keep track of the Trinity gossip all by himself? So here's what I found out...

This is the place where you'll find information about site updates, and any happenings that might be important for us Gothniks. News about the AG DVD Petition and about the possible feature film can now be found on separate pages.

17 August 2005

The American Gothic: Complete Series DVD set is now available at! Click below to pre-order so you'll get it shipped on its release date, October 25th 2005:

19 July 2005

Thanks to Gord from, we have the probable release date!!! Check out the AG DVD Petition News page.

18 July 2005

It's been a looooong wait, but according to the man Himself, Shaun Cassidy, AG will be released on DVD!!!! Details at the AG DVD Petition News page.

27 September 2004

FINALLY some (hopefully) good news regarding the DVDs - check out the AG DVD Petition News page.

27 April 2004

An update/correction to Monday's Empire Online report, in the Feature Film News.

26 April 2004

Go check out the latest Feature Film News NOW!!!

21. April 2004

Updated the Feature Film News and DVD Petition News pages - things are starting to move again, with the NBC-Universal deal taking its last big hurdle!

19. February 2004

Small updates on the Feature Film News and DVD Petition News pages.

26. November 2003

Small update on the Feature Film News page - a Japanese company would be willing to invest money in an AG feature movie.

I have corrected Jake Weber's short bio on the Matt Crower page - I was informed that the IMDB information about Nora Ariffin being married to Jake is not correct.

I have some new things to scan and upload, and hope I'll get around to do that in the not-too-distant future.

31. August 2003

New contact info for Universal, on the Feature Film News page.

Dejà-vu of the unpleasant kind... first Sky One started showing the AG episodes out of order, then they moved it to Sky One Mix.

18. July 2003

More news about the possible AG feature film.

6. July 2003

Some news on the possible AG feature film - I've decided to set up a separate news page page for it.I also put up some Vivendi Universal/generally biz related information on the AG DVD Petition News page.

Sky One put AG in a good spot, following the current seasons of Buffy and Angel on Thursday nights. They promoted it in the couple of weeks before they started showing the series, and then had ads during breaks of Buffy and Angel, but only for the first couple of weeks. They also seem to be screwing with the order - on 26. June they showed Dead to the World (ep 5), and on 3. July The Plague Sower (ep 15)!

19. May 2003

UK Gothniks, fire up your VCRs - beginning on 22. May, Sky One will show AG on Thursday nights at 22:00. Repeats on Friday mornings at 03:55, and on Sky One Mix on Friday nights at 22:00. Thanks to everyone who sent me e-mails about this. :-)

Apparently circumstances at Vivendi Universal are not ideal for a release of AG on DVD at the moment. Details see American Gothic DVD Petition News

18. December 2002

It seems the 'cautious' optimism was justified... American Gothic DVD Petition News

Also, I just put up a new feature on the There's No Such Thing as 'They' page, and a new link on the AG Fans link page.

7. September 2002

A short update at the American Gothic DVD Petition News page. There's reason for cautious optimism!

1. August 2002

Welcome, Gothniks! I finally got around to overhauling my AG site, which has been lying around unattended for far too long! You'll find both old and new content here, and for the moment only in English. The (old) German pages can still be found at the old site, but will be transferred here whenever I find time to finalize and adapt them to the new layout.

The American Gothic DVD Petition is now an integral part of Buck Mansion, and except for some minor changes in the layout, everything is still the same. Thanks for your continuing support! :-)

I hope you'll enjoy the new look as well as the content. Feel free to take a wander around, and before you leave, please take a moment to sign Buck Mansion's guestbook!

Buck MansionTrinity NewsWho Am I Floyd?Let Your Conscience Be Your GuideThe Joy of a Thousand TrumpetsTrinity Museum of (Un)Natural HistoryThere's No Such Thing as 'They' in TrinityTrail MixJohnson BridgeContact Chris

17. August 2005